The Sales Tech Ecosystem is a project that connects data in different scenarios to give to the stakeholders the best value information to take sales insights and actions during the sell-in, execution or sell-out period.

I participated in the process of the discovery of the dashboards, workshops of creation and ideation, design talks and presentation storytelling creation.

I was also responsible for giving a design style to the project and for the marketing campaigns.

Tools used: Figma, Miro, Illustrator, Photoshop, Tableau and Jira.

Timeline: 12 months.

Team: 26 people including me as a designer, 1 business executive, 5 strategy managers, 4 data viz, 2 scrum master, 4 architectures, 2 data developer, 3 data analytics, 4 digital strategists and assessment.

Project management: Lean and agile methodology.

Countries applied: France and Brazil.

Sales Tech Ecosystem - Context


Our vision brings the goal that we wanna achieve and the result that these actions will contribute to the company.

Sales Tech Ecosystem - Vision


The Objective Key Results are the big tasks that the project will cover, based on that we start to create smaller tasks to achieve each one of them.

Sales Tech Ecosystem - OKRs

Key milestones

We started the project with the meet and greet of both sides, Kraft Heinz and CI&T, in March 2020. After sharing some ideas and knowledge we closed the deal and started the discovery in november 2021, the plan is setted and the roles are shared.

In March 2021 the real work begins with the integration of the data and the development of the dashboards, more people come to help to do it. 

In August 2022 it was the time to scale the project and to engage the stakeholders to use it by marketing strategies.

Sales Tech Ecosystem - Key milestones


Our work is based on the Lean UX combined with the agile methodology, we divide our plan in annually quarters and in sprints within 15 days.

Our rituals include the daily meetings, the sprint review, the backlog refinement, strategy meetings and workshops. Through that we do the discovery, development and delivery in small parts, we test the hypotheses and take notes about the data collected in order to improve the project to create a high value delivery. 

The results are: a big impact in the company; a great user experience; a unique view without gaps in the results and the missing information; hypotheses tested and validated.

Sales Tech Ecosystem - Approach


The tactical work is based in 5 major steps, we start from more strategic and finalize it with the final digital product.

The sprints are based on the epics and we create smaller stories inside each one of it.

Sales Tech Ecosystem - Operations


To build a solid architecture we connected all the data available in one ecosystem to create one source of truth.

Sales Tech Ecosystem - Architecture
Sales Tech Ecosystem - UX Design

Areas of work

Our work started in the understanding of all areas that Kraft Heinz operates and it is own specific details in order to divide the dashboards with the right information to the right group of stakeholders:

  • Sell-in – It is the group that sells the products to the B2B clients;
  • Execution – The group that analyzes if the prices and the stock are doing well with the plan;
  • Sell-out – It is the group that conducts and checks the sales to the final customer.
Sales Tech Ecosystem - Areas of work


Our roadmap was to work with both countries that we started initially, prioritizing the deliveries that bring more value.

Sales Tech Ecosystem - Sales Tech Ecosystem - Roadmap


The team was divided into the specific tasks, but as I was the designer I was involved in all the projects.

Sales Tech Ecosystem - Team


We started the project with the discovery of all needs and pain points that actually the stakeholders are aware of and mapping possible solutions to fill those gaps.

Sales Tech Ecosystem - Discovery


After we interviewed the stakeholders from Kraft Heinz we discovered 3 types of person, accordingly with their roles, motivations and needs.

We map them to create features that solve their problems.

Sales Tech Ecosystem - Personas

Brainstorming workshops

To start creating the dashboards, we did brainstorming workshops divided in 3 parts:

  • We analyzed the data collected and thought in some possible ways;
  • Each one draw his solution in a paper sketch;
  • We came back, voted for the best solutions and started to develop.
Sales Tech Ecosystem - Brainstorming workshops
Sales Tech Ecosystem - UI Design


How the project involves many areas and teams from Kraft Heinz areas. I suggested creating a brand with the full concept and visual items, like the purpose, mission, vision, attributes, positioning, colors, typography, logo applications and other tools that help to build the project.

Sales Tech Ecosystem - Branding
Sales Tech Ecosystem - Branding
Sales Tech Ecosystem - Branding

Style guide

The next step was to create the style guide for the dashboards and other kinds of materials that needed some kind of visualization

Sales Tech Ecosystem - Style guide
Sales Tech Ecosystem - Style guide

Deck for presentations

To keep the same pattern of design in all presentations I created the deck with the main slides and tools applied.

Sales Tech Ecosystem - Deck for presentations
Sales Tech Ecosystem - Deck for presentations
Sales Tech Ecosystem - Deck for presentations
Sales Tech Ecosystem - Deck for presentations


The final result was softwares integrated with data shown by the Tableau in dashboards.

In the past they used old spreadsheets that were slow, no info centered and difficult to update.

Sales Tech Ecosystem - Achievements
Sales Tech Ecosystem - Achievements
Sales Tech Ecosystem - Achievements


In order to engage the use of the Sales Tech Ecosystem we shared some marketing materials with the stakeholders.

I facilitated the workshop to come up with ideas with the team, after we voted on the best ideas we developed them.

Sales Tech Ecosystem - Marketing

Physical board

We collected all this info and created a physical board that is in the CI&T´s office in Campinas, Brazil. It is a very well documented study case.

Sales Tech Ecosystem - Physical board

Next steps

For the next round we are going to implement the project in other countries based on the results that we collect in the assessment.

Sales Tech Ecosystem - Next steps

What did I learn?

— Work with different stakeholders;

— The limitations of the Tableau; 

— How to integrating data from different sources;

— How to create an engaging in a new product;

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